How are you celebrating the start of a new year with the release of your new album?
Honestly to me, releasing my album is my version of celebrating. It's what I enjoy the most.
What inspired you to start making music?
In the beginning I watched my brother try his best to copy The RZA from the Wu Tang Clan, and I looked up to him so I wanted to rap and make beats like my big brother. In the later years I started to get good at it and have been doing it ever since.
How do you stay grounded in the fast-paced music industry?
I feel like I'm not even in the music industry. I don't like this industry at all, especially the people. They don't value or respect the creators so I do it my way at my pace. I protect my ideas and energy now in my own corner. It's better that way!
How do you balance your personal life with your music career?
I don't balance. I put my family first and everything else falls in line after that with hard work and dedication.

What's the most challenging song you've ever written?
Maybe a song I wrote called Do Black Men Need Therapy! It was hard not crying writing that because I mentioned my Uncle Walter that passed away, my father and my big brother..all touchy subjects.
How do you stay inspired during the long winter months?
I create in different environments. I'm always thinking of ideas to execute and staying on task.
What's your dream collaboration with another artist?
To one day do a song with Common. That would be amazing! People sleep on him and I don't know why. He's a legend and one of the best to ever do it.
What's the story behind your latest song Rebellion?
I feel like we are in a time where Hip Hop has a lot of negative music. I believe there is a thin line between glorifying bad things and telling stories about things we all have been through in order to better our lives and get out of poverty! Some of us had to be rebels to survive and save our families. That's my vision on that. Benny and Cyhi are a prime example of that!

What's one thing you wish to accomplish this year?
I just want to wake up and create tomorrow. All while being around my family! That's it.
How do you see your music evolving in the future and where can people connect with you at?
I'm honestly at one of my best peaks in all genres! But as far as my bodies of works and performances I always look to challenge myself more so i'm not so predictable