Do you have a new year's resolution? If so, what is it?
I never set resolutions, but I do believe in intentions. So with that said, I've made intentions to continue to be consistent with my gym routine to strengthen my physical, to learn something new to strengthen my mental, and to be more patient to strengthen my spirit.
What is your greatest accomplishment thus far?
Thus far? My greatest accomplishment is managing it all. As an independent artist we have to wear so many hats and do so much on our own it can be daunting. So my greatest accomplishment thus far is certainly staying the course and continuing to push my career.
What’s the first song you play which reminds you of heartbreak?
Stevie Wonder's Never Dreamed You'd Leave In Summer like, you can hear the emotion in every lyric, every note.
What’s the first song you play which reminds you of love?
The Isley Brothers' At Your Best ... both of my responses for the last two questions let you know that I'm usually heavy into my old school R&B bag. I appreciate the substance and musicality, full bands, or an artist like Stevie that is just iconic.

Describe the perfect first date?
The perfect first date huh? That's a good one. I'd say the perfect first date is the first date that just continues, dinner goes well, conversation is engaging and when you look up it's been hours and you've just been enjoying one another's company.
Are you going to vote this presidential election year?
I have to, I can't complain if I don't go out and vote right?
Have you ever been hacked by a phishing email, had your identity stolen, or been a victim of digital fraud?
Actually, more than once. I see it as something that's bound to happen given how digital we are now. Everything's an account attached to an AppleID or something.
Are you the type to get to work early or stay late?
I'm an early riser. I'm always up at 5AM and I'm working until the work is complete.

What does success mean to you?
Freedom, not in regards to a dollar amount but real freedom. Freedom to make not decisions based on necessity but to make them based on fulfillment.
Where do you want to perform next and where can people connect with you at?
I want to perform wherever the vibes are, wherever there's some people that want to hear some dope sounds and lyrics. People can connect with me on all socials @iamjdavon on IG and J Davon Harris everywhere else.