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  • Writer's pictureCharles Luberisse

Taylor Hall Reclaims In "What I Choose"

Written By: Big C


Since the release of her debut EP Happy That It Happened, the Los Angeles based artist Taylor Hall has been building her buzz within a cutthroat industry. Her authentic vocal sound pairs with the lyrical message of empowerment in the brand new single What I Choose. Separating herself from other new artists. this track is a mere gimps into the upcoming EP. Taylor stated:

I'm so excited to share this song with the world. I wrote it from a place of personal experience, and I think a lot of people will be able to relate to it. It's all about taking control of your life and doing what makes you happy, no matter what anyone else thinks.

Her powerful vocals and authentic songwriting have earned Taylor a loyal following. With a unique blend of pop and R&B influences, her music has resonated with fans around the world. Find the good within the bad moments and stream the single here. Listen to the audio below.

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