Which song of yours is your personal favorite?
That's a tough question. They’re all like tattoos and mean something to me. I'd have to say No Regrets featuring T-Ress. Everyone loves that record and video and it means a lot to me. I talk to my loved ones through that song. That record is forever.
Who is your top female artist right now?
In my opinion Nikki Minaj is still on top. I respect her pen and I like how she went from new-comer to the top female artist. It came to a point where we thought that she would fade out among the new competition of this generation. She fought through that and really solidified her spot. It’s a really dope story, she’s a champ.
Have you been naughty or nice this year?
I’ve been nice bro. I have been trying. Trying to get right with God. Trying to raise my kids right.
What are your top three favorite candies or snacks?
Beef Jerky, Twizzlers, and a bad ass fruit cup with all that Mexican lime juice and chili powder (lol). I’m not too big on sugar.

What has been the best era in music to you?
Honestly, Motown. There was pure magic in that music that required no studio effects or fancy mixing and editing, just clean takes and raw talent. There’s never a bad time to listen to the Motown era.
What was the last book you read?
Sometimes I read two books at once. I recently finished How To Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill and I’m currently reading Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell. I stole that one from my sister’s library (lol).
Which season do you like the most and why?
Summer. I'm a summer baby (June 6). I love the beach and the pool.
Have you ever broken a bone, had surgery, or been into a fight/brawl?
I’ve dislocated my left arm twice as a kid while wrestling with my older, bigger cousin. I was pretty much getting rag dolled (lol). I got into a lot of fights or scraps as a youngster. I won some, lost some. My Mom put me in Taekwondo when I was six years old and I joined a boxing gym when I was a teen. The more I learned how to fight the less I got into fights. I still train to this day, almost everyday and I still compete every now and then in Taekwondo and Karate tournaments. It’s been a long time since I’ve had to fight outside of a mat or ring. Thank God!

If you could go back to one time in your life and redo something, when would you go back too and what would you change?
I’d take high school more seriously. I was really bright and making good grades was easy for me. I just never liked institutions of authority. I could’ve earned an academic scholarship or something, I just got into the wrong things. Music is my saving grace, though. I took my music more seriously than some took their college career.
What is a motivational quote for next year and where can people connect with you?
“You didn’t come this far to only come this far.” I gotta remind myself to keep going sometimes. We all do. Find my music, merch, videos, and more on www.abdvinci.com. Much love to everyone showing love. One! TMP !!