Where do you like to be for Inspiration?
I get inspired anywhere to be honest!
Whose music are you listening/bumping too?
I’m listening to that new Tia Corrine, the new Cormega album, Roc Marci and Alchemist, Time the Artist, and AR The Mermaid
Describe your perfect Thanksgiving plate?
My perfect Thanksgiving plate is Macaroni and Cheese, Turkey, yams, cranberry sauce, buttered roll, stuffing, deviled eggs, a slice of sweet potato pie, and a good juice to wash everything down.
What do you want most for Christmas?
For Christmas I need a cool million dollars in the account and not a cent less!

What's your number one scary movie?
My number one scary movie is probably The Descent because of the ending. Absolutely great ending!
Tell us your worst fall/winter experience?
My worst Fall/Winter experience was in high school I went to our local State Fair and it was really cold the evening I went. A few days later I had a bad cold and not too long after I found out I had mononucleosis. I was not feeling that all whatsoever!
Should lyrics be used against people in the courtroom?
No Comment...
Does fear of cancel culture, bad business partnering, or lustful robbery effect they way you move?
It does effect me somewhat. I don’t know all the rules to the game so as cautious as I move, it can be costly to make the wrong move.

What do you think happened to monkeypox?
I think monkeypox is still a thing. Coincidentally right now it’s election time and the political wigs need niggas in those polls voting. I’ll let you do the math.
When is your next release date or performance, and where can people connect with you?
New HGS project dropping soon and Wake County’s Finest Deluxe dropping very soon! Follow Madison Jay @themadisonjay