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  • Writer's pictureCharles Luberisse

Behind The Lens: OnlyJahmez


What is a childhood memory which set you on path today?

There was one day very long ago where I was just extremely all over the place as a kid. My mother told me that I can do anything I put my mind to and the world is my sandbox. Ever since that I’ve just been a different person. I feel like I can have anything I think of.

Who is your biggest influence?

My biggest influence has gotta be God. I feel like if he can do so many things at once and I was made in his image then I should be able to take this shit over with ease.

What stands out the most to you when composing a song?

The melody, it’s like when I hear a beat I look in the air and see mad words, colors, and images just floating and I like grab them as fast as I can and put them in order. After I hear a rough draft I sit down clear my mind and really build the record out.

Name one thing a fan has said that inspired you?

This is an interesting question to be honest. A lot of things my fans have reached out to me and said has really changed my perspective in life but the one thing that fucked me up the most was when I had just got off stage at this party. This kid walked up to me and said “Yoo bro my mans was your biggest fan. He passed two weeks ago but he always said your crazy ass was gonna blow. Keep working.” That was one of the first times I thought to my self like oh shit. This is real.

How do you handle haters?

I don’t if someone has enough energy to hate me then that just means they can’t understand why they love me so much. It feels good to get reassurance that your doing something right. I just keep my head on a swivel and move with honesty.

How has your lyrics evolved over time ?

I would definitely say that I have came into my artistry much more. My songs have become more meaningful and more relatable to who I am as a person.

Can you play any musical instruments?

No I can’t play an instrument to save my life but if I could it would be between the guitar and the keys. Simply because I feel like if you could play one you can play dam near anything

What do you think is your next biggest challenge?

My biggest challenge is maintaining good and healthy habits. I need to be better at keeping my own rhythm.

Pancakes, French toast, or Waffles and why?

I would make a sandwich out of all three and just load that bitch up with syrup and butter. I like sweets and I love breakfast food more than anything. Like bruh more than anything. Anything but God, family, and sex I should say.

Where can people connect with you at?

Everything is onlyjahmez. Porn hub, only fans, SoundCloud, Spotify, MySpace, facebook. Shit I may still have an aim account for all the real OG’s

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