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  • Writer's pictureCharles Luberisse

Behind The Lens: Slim Hood


What are you leaving behind in 2022?

Unhealthy things

Who is your biggest celebrity crush (career or personality)?


Did you grow up playing game nights, movie nights, Sunday dinner or music in or around your household?

Nope that was not my family

What made you choose the music industry versus a nine to five?

The hustle, the freedom, the GOOD, and the BAD #itsjuswork

Describe your fans in one word and explain.


What's your most quotable lyric?

What has been your worst experience in the music industry?

The music industry lol this thing takes tough skin and BALLS

Do you think you need more copyrights to your music or should it be free for sampling? Copyrights gotta pay to play

What is missing from the arts in your hometown/city

Business and More Business

What project do you have out right now that potential fans should listen to and where can people connect with.

Apple Music Spotify where you can find my latest album ITSJUSWORK

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