Written By: Big C

With the release of their new EP How Do You Make It Look So Easy?, the duo of vocalist Emma Foster and multi-instrumentalist/producer Paul Holliman are creating a new niche. Their sonic sound and innovation with alternative pop, brings the visualizer for Fireflies. Written as Emma watched her grandmother pass away, the songs explore a vast range of human emotion. Arctic Lake explains:
We wanted How Do You Make It Look So Easy? to be full of highs and lows so although sonically it lives in the same world, it has moments you can dance to and moments you hopefully cry to because that’s what life is like. Some days are hard and some days are magical and then there is everything in-between. It’s interlaced with a lot of personal stories from us but also from our friends and family. Some songs even have many accounts woven in together like ‘Fool,’ which talks about loving someone who is bad for you, or ‘Hold Me,’ which talks directly about both our breakups even though they were very different. A lot of these feelings and situations are universal and our desire has always been to move people, to write music that connects us, so we hope this patchwork EP does that. Or maybe everyone else is really making life look too easy and we want to know what the secret is? Either way, have a listen and let us know if you find out.
Arctic Lake will launch a headline tour of the U.K. tour on November 22 at The Grace in London. While they come from largely different backgrounds, their seemingly opposing characters fit together in a special way. Keep up with the Astralwerks Records artist by following Arctic Lake on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. View the tour dates here and stream your copy of the album here. Watch the official video below.
#ArcticLake #Fireflies #EmmaFoster #PaulHolliman #AdrianoDAstolto #HowDoYouMakeItLookSoEasy #TheGrace