What’s one thing the next generation needs to know?
The next generation needs to know how it’ll advance the next generation. It’s no rulebooks or manuals to this thing. Learn what you can to change the world and pass to the next.
What would you want AI (Artificial Intelligence) to do for you?
I would want Artificial Intelligence to increase real intelligence off that’s possible.
How would you describe the sound for this decade?
The sound for this decade (2013-23) I’d say is unique. The rise of so many unique and diverse sounds. I love it!
Which producer, artist, or visual designer is catching your attention and you would like to work with?
TiaCorrine holla at me! Roc Marci holla at me! AR The Mermaid holla at me, Tyler holla at me! Slimeroni holla at me!

Pick one and why: Restaurant, Diner, or Homemade
Diner! I love me and good diner. Breakfast tho.
What spot do you love to eat at in your city?
I love eating at The Shiny Diner, The Dankery, and Farmers Market Restaurant is fire too!
What does Pride mean to you?
Pride is having a deep regard for one’s beliefs and in themselves. I know sometimes I have TOO much pride
What does Juneteenth mean to you?
Juneteenth is when the “slaves” in Gavelston found out they had been free for years. I love celebrating our achievements and rich culture but celebrating something so sad and tragic feels crazy. Maybe I’m tripping.

Describe the people from your inner circle.
My inner circle consists of some of the most brilliant minds on Earth. Good men and good women that I’d trust to pump the blood thru my heart.
Are you ready for summer? Any upcoming heat for fans, and where can people connect with you?
The summer is mine! No hiding it. I started off by dropping the ‘TITN3’ mixtape and now I just released the album of the year with These Carolina Nights and then I’m coming back with even more heat after that just show that there’s no limit to where I can take this thing. It’s County! Follow me on social platforms @themadisonjay