The reason you fall in love is to find someone you can balance with. Well Mae Muller seems to become head over heals and her friends are taking notice. Where the girls night out are becoming romantic dinners, Mae Muller is conflicted with becoming Dependent. The catchy pop chorus keeps the scenery changing as we experience the drawback between friends and lovers. Mae says:
I wrote that song at the start of a relationship, when I could feel myself falling in love and got really scared, That’s what always happens when I start to fall for someone: instead of going with the flow and just enjoying myself, I start to panic a bit because of the power you have to give up. This song is me being totally honest about not wanting to become dependent on someone, because my independence is so important to me.
Written with Henrik Michelsen of the Norwegian duo Electric, you sense the battle between wanting more and not wanting at all. This track is off the recent project No One Else, Not Even You which is available here. Watch the official video directed by Sophia Ray below. Also follow Mae Muller on INSTAGRAM , FACEBOOK, and TWITTER.
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